 (1) Leave Applications without HOD's approval will not be considered as valid. Please, contact your HOD for approval.
 (2) Leave period without approved leave application will be treated as LOP (Loss of Pay)
 (3) New Employees should register with eManager to gain access
 (4) For eManager login details click Here
 (5) Apply for Permission / Late if the Biometric attendance is kept late up to 1 hour from your starting time.
 (6) Apply for CL if the Biometric attendance is kept late beyond 1 hour from your starting time.
 (7) HODs are requested to apply & approve the Message for Leave information from their staff in HOD?s login itself.
 (8) If Message for Leave by a Staff to the HOD is not applied, the concern Staff is requested to apply on the next day of leave availed.
 (9) Get the approval of Director (E&T) by letter when applying for continuous Earned Leave(EL) for more than 5 days and then apply online.
 (10) Maternity Leave and Medical Leave also should be approved by Director (E&T) by letter and then apply online.
 (11) Vacation Leave (VL) should be applied through Vacation proposal form and then online also.
 (12) The L/P, F and A remarks are considered as LOP only. Avoid these remarks by applying proper Leave Application.
 (13) Unapplied / Unapproved Leave applications will lead to LOP even Leave eligiblity found.
 (14) Payroll processing is done on 21 of every month. So all online leave applications approved within 20th of every month will only be considered.
 (15) Both IN and OUT timings are required to process your Late / Permission / Half Day Leave applications
 (16) Maximum 2 Late / Permissions are allowed for a Salary Month Period
 (17) All Staff are requested to apply their leave if not found in leave application manager and get approved immediately.
 (18) If you are applying leave like CL for half day where either the IN or OUT timings is not present, then you need to get approval letter from your higher authority and submit it to the attendance admin department to get your applied leave valid.
 (19) Attn E&T Non Teaching Staff : Shift Timings 7:45 A.M to 4:30 P.M and 8:35 A.M to 5:20 P.M In case, you are registering bio-metric after 7.45 A.M., it will be considered as 2nd Shift (i.e., 8.35 A.M to 5.20 P.M) only. If you want to leave by first shift (4.30 P.M), you have to apply for permission for afternoon only.
 (20) All the staff members to apply for OD/EL/CL at least on the same day of availing.
 (21) Late leave request automatically gets disabled if applied after MIDNIGHT (11:59:59 PM) of next day of leave availed date and will not be accepted by e-manager.