The list of Videos grouped by departmentwise is below.
Civil Engineering
Ceramics under Stress  Mew hips for old Advanced Waste Water
Last of the Liberties Geosynthetic Community by Designs
Living with Technology Pollution prevention pays Forecasting fatigue Life
Planning the New Towns Building Bridges Immigration
Remote Sensing Railway Engineering P1 Insight of Builders of the Bridge
Water Quality   Surveillance Reinforced concrete Design Bridging the future
Something in the air Railway Engineering P2 Managing Quality in Construction
Something new under the sea Railway Engineering P3 Plastic under stress
Made without cracks Quality Controller concrete

Mechanical Engineering
Down burst The hole design Story Introduction the welding institute
Drilling P1 The Diesel Engine Advanced SQC Techniques in QC
Power of Water New Bearing for old Classic farm machinery
Water as a Tool Nobody’s Friend Modern forging
In the Topper Mould Baffled by Friend Piston design and manufacturing
Shape of things to come Testing the time Maestro TCCI-P1
The Petrol Engine Million dollar motor car Laths for small Manufacturing
A cut above Take Seat TCCI-P2
Magnus Behind the seat Materials Engineering : Concrete and Steel
Framed for success Time of Design Crates and A/c
Evolution of the Toper Thermos fluid Mechanics and energy Mechanics Properties
Robotic for MIG and Sort Welding Type of Motion Role of Automation in Manufacturing
Transistor in CB & CE Configurations & Robots Motion Control Pneumatic Griper Control of Robot Arm & Wrist Movements

Computer Science and Engineering
Lotus CC P-1 Internet guide for Every One P1 Book mark, & Research Path Compression
Lotus CC P-2   Internet guide for Every One P2 FTP Gopher & Email Fast Fourier Transform – I & II
The Cyberian Connection Internet guide for Every One P2 News Group & List Introduction to Multimedia
Global Software Market Sparse Matrices & Multidimensional Video Compression Standards: Overview
Computer Ergonomics Queue ADT & Its Implementation Content – Based Video: Low to High Level
Input Devices Application of Stack Content – Based Video: Motion Represent
Output Devices Linked List Elements if Image Compression Systems
Beginners Guide to computers Polynomial ADTs & its Implementation Elements if Image Compression Systems
Computer Art Introduction What is an Algorithms Losy Compression Techniques, Discrete
Internet Heap and Heapsort Bit Allocation Strategic for DCT Coeffi -I
Tele working Quick Sort Algorithms Bit Allocation Strategic for DCT
Data Security Dijkstra’s Shortes Path, Prim’s MST Algorithms Bit Allocation Strategic for DCT Coeffi -II
EIS Pack Asymptotic Analysis Generalized Deformation Model in Motion
Personnel computers for managers Acverage Case Analysis & Lower Bound on MPEG-1 Standards: Specification
Birth of Computers Selection (Randomized) Continuity Aspects of MPEG -1 MMS
Computer in Space Sort Finding Multimedia Synchronization
Electronic Photography Red-Black Tree – II The MPEG -2 Scalable  Amplifiers
Multimedia Dynamic Programming – I MPGE-4 Standards : Introduction
The Virus Video Dynamic Programming – II MPGE-4 Multifuncational Coding Capad.
Windows NT Greedy Algorithms MPGE- Audio – Layer-2 Encoding
Computer Rev. High Speed / High Performance Amortization and Fibonacci Heap – P1 MPGE-Audio: Bit Allocation & Psychoac
The Corporation Graph Representations and DFS MPEG-2 Standards
Internet guide for Every One P1 Navigating  the net Lossless & Lossy, Union-Find Problem MPGE-1 Standards
Abstract Data Type

Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Basic Electricity & its Utilization Wage Propagation Hetero Junction Bipolar transistor (HBT)-2
Electrical Safety Polarization Poynting Vector Hetero Junction & High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)
Radiation Wave Propagation Design using programmable logic design
Radiation Wave Propagation High Electron Mobility Transistor
Radiation Transmission Lines Parameters HEMT-Off voltage, I-V Characteristics
Resonators Engineering Electromagnetic HEMT I-V Characteristics & Tran conductance & Optimization
Wave Guide General Transmission Lines, Transmission Lines Section as Circuit         HSDC-Temary Compound Semiconductors and their Applications
Wave Guide Transmission Lines: Standing Wave Ratio HSDC-Temary Compound Semiconductors and their Applications
Engineering Electromagnetic Engineering Electromagnetic HSDC-Epitaxial Techniques for GAas High Sped Devices
Reflection & Refraction of Waves Transmission Lines: Wave Propagation HSDC-MBE & LPE for GAas Epitaxy
Reflection & Refraction of Waves Introduction - 1 Gaas and In P Devices for Microelectronics
Drain current Saturation IDS due to Velocity Saturation Shockley’s Model and Velocity Saturation Effect

Electronics and Communication Engineering
Super Conductivity Optical Fiber Communication Karnaugh Maps – 1
Fiber Optics The Light Traveler Karnaugh Maps – 2
Fiber Optics – 1 Electronic Photography Television
PCB Design Fabrication  Digitalization of Signals Tele mastics
Digitalization of Signals Theory of Semiconductor: P1 LEDs and Photodiodes
Theory of Semiconductor: P1 Rectifiers with a Capacitor & Union Find BJT Small Signal Analysis P – II
Feedback Amplifiers Differential Amplifiers -1 Differential Amplifiers -1I
Operational Amplifiers Applications of Operations Amplifiers

Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Medical Instrumentation Introduction to Distributed control Feedback Control
Data Communication Selection and sizing of Values Concept of Stability & Routh Stability
Digital Controllers Process Control modes Concepts of Stability & Ruth     Stability
Gas Chromatograph oven and Controllers Application to Distillation control Performance of Feedback Systems
Transmitters Introduction to Boilers Compensator Design Using Root Locus Plot
Advanced digital system ISA Leadership Compensator Design Using Root Locus Plot
Fiber Optics Application of PH Control Compensator Design Using Root Locus Plot
Programmable Logic Controllers Boilers  Fuel and Air Compensator Design Using Root Locus Plot
Advanced Process Control Control Engineering Nyquist Stability Criterion Stability Margin
Basic Automatic Process Control Model of Industrial Control Nyquist Stability Criterion Stability Margin
Pneumatic Air supplies and regulator Compensator Design using root Locus Plot Nyquist Stability Criterion Stability Margin
Electro chemical analyzers Models of Industrial Control Nyquist Stability Criterion Stability Margin
Feedback Control Process Control Dynamics System & Dynamic Response
Practical Vibration Monitoring Feedback Control Dynamics System & Dynamic Response
Control Engineering

Earth construction work Zero –G Low cost proof cyclone
Water supply and sanitation development Air Pollution indoors Planning new towns
Shelter through diversity Air Pollution Outdoors Water quality surveillance
Travel American: Las vigas Govt. Housing Bank Thailand Ash, cash or Trash
Life on the Moon Supporting secondary cities Exploring a myth
Travel American: US Special Rome of the tropics GOA Wall to Wall
Life of the three Plants beyond earth’s Konarak chariot of the sun Princely mewar
From of the ground up: Raw Architecture Immortal capital (Delhi) Monument of the people (sanchi)
Cost Effective housing Forcement experience in Orville Hong-Kong airport
Lawire baker’s(A living legend) Madras vision of day Indian architecture
Building Exposition center Our laboratories in Space Paadhukappu (pollution control) TM
Mini: Mud revolution    Roman architecture Tajmahal
The Ramlochan tile The City – Steel and glass Mamallapuram

School of Management Studies
Management accounting Staying there In Good Company: Hoteliers
Parkinsons law How will you manage? In Good Company Fashion and Textiles
Customer database Supply and demand Hard Sell
Qualified to manage Finance for the financial Manager Communicate Notes on Trial
Financial sector Entrepreneurs a case study P1 Face to Face
The money market Entrepreneurs a case study P2 Are you Really Listening
Changing role of Govt in business Entrepreneurs a case study P3 Creating Opportunities
Management development for the 21st centry Entrepreneurs a case study P4 In pursuit of Self Development
Creating a smart work force Entrepreneurs a case study P5 Business System
Management accounting in practice Dynamic Project Planning I Understand You Understand
Business communication Business System Strategic Issue in Management Accounting
Managing information A case study in Abnormal Behaviour Product Design
Telemarketing Data Security The Road Quality
The machine that change the world The Green Challenge Watch It
Humanizing work Facing the Challenge P1 Management Account
Management information system Facing the Challenge P2 Design and Marketing of New Product
Humor is not a luxury    Financial Management and Planning Marketing Mix
New approach to casting Make them pay Reengineering the Business P1 & P2
Business concepts National Industrial Policy Reengineering the Business P3
Interview contract Management Control System P 1 Holiday Resort
Marketing India Management Control System P 2 Business 2000 P1 & P2
New product launch Psychotherapy Business 2000 P3 & P4
Consumer behavior Marketing Decision Business 2000 P5
Treasury issues Delivering Service Quality How to do a Business Plan?
Measuring employee satisfaction Accounting for the Environment Business 2000 P6
Consumer market in India Take my Advices What is Direct Marketing?
Liberalization Latter Writing for Business Management
Facilities Layout Sportswear Business Though Customer
Working Capital Management The Marketing mix at Cadbury’s What is Business?
Marketing Capital Finance Inside Britain Insurance Corporate Culture
Receruiting and Interviewing Personnel Decision What is Market Research
Marketing the Mangers Too Much Tourism Project Selection
Good Manufacturing  The Money Machine Project Selection
Flattening the Organizations Bio Technology (Business 2000) Project Representation
Alternatives to PERT Alternatives to PERT Linear Time - cost Tradeoffs in Projects
Linear Time - cost Tradeoffs in Projects Resources Considerations in Projects: P-1 Resource Consideration in Projects: P-2
10 Rules for Effective Project Management Team Building & Leadership in Projects Quality in Practice – P1 & P2  
Making Manufacturing P1 & P2

Department of Mathematics
Estimation Conflic Confidence
Decision free Analysis Normal Distribution Studies in Pure Maths : P2 & P4
Finding One’s Bearing Chance Math Magic
Regression Probability Devl. Mathematical: Doing and Talking
Sampling Probability Model for rare events Devl. Mathematical: Towards Recording
Central Limit Theorem Genetics Game Devl. Mathematical: Setting up and  Solving
Testing fir Telepathy Poison Process Devl. Mathematical: Fraction - P1 & P2
Devl. Mathematical: Relations and Mapping

Department of Physics
Motion and Newton Lass Optical Lens C V Raman
Periodic Table of Elements Solution of a salt Light as information
Thermodynamics in Action Bright ideas ( Perspective) Energy and Rockets
Density and Viscosity in Mineral Processing Cyclotron Build your own Machine
Goodness of fit Cathoderay Oscilloscope Electromagnetic Inductor
Basic Physical Science for Tech: Magnetic Circuit Electric universe

Department of English
English for Engineer English for Business Figures of Speech
World Wed English Say what you Mean in English   1-3 Language Science

535 Engineering excellence Education for adults: If you can’t or write Book and Library update : 1987
Hemorogeology micro circulation Effective counseling The Library : Why, What’s in it for me
Plant Water A Class room from Skies Only the Beginning
Age of invention Education for adults : Learning groups Power on earth
More than just a road Wis: Consign idea C V Raman
New glass Oral Presentation a technical report Ramanujam
Education for adults: Limerick lessons Education for adults: Have you done your Homework Consulting Engineer
Unemployment in Cloyed Face in the Interviews Future fantastic 2
A women’s Technology Teacher Training in Low cost Instrumentation 4 Future fantastic- incredible shin planets
A clean sweep Controlling your Library Environment